Full House Leaderboard GOG’s Economy Protection
Greetings Commander!
Thank you for your participation in our second Special Event - A Full House. Guild and Solo Leaderboards have been published on our website. We are glad to see a shake-up at the top of the Leaderboards and we are committed to delivering more fun and exciting content in future.
Unfortunately, we have continued to see an increase in multi-account exploits over the recent months. Last month we took enforcement action against Leaderboard players that were flagged for being at a high-risk of multi-accounting. We also sent warnings to Leaderboard players that were engaging in conduct that was highly suggestive of multi-accounting and advised them to cease and desist. This month we will begin taking general enforcement action across the entire playerbase.
We want to take this chance to emphasize our policy around multi-accounts. Multi-accounts behavior in GOG contravenes our T&C, this behavior deprives others of a legitimate position on Leaderboards and is contrary to the spirit of competition and collaboration in Guild of Guardians.
We accept that multi-accounting is a complex issue, because not only are there legitimate reasons for multiple accounts to be signed into a single device (for example family members), there are also many ways to mask and evade detection. For this reason we strongly advise against using VPNs, proxies, and emulators when connecting to GOG. The presence of these factors increases the probability that you will be designated as at high risk of multi-accounting and may have enforcement actions taken against you.
Accounts that are flagged to be certified multi-accounts will receive in-game mail that their accounts have been marked. We will give these accounts an opportunity to nominate a primary account, and up to two legitimate secondary accounts. You should submit a support ticket outlining the user IDs of your secondary accounts, the relationship of the secondary account holder to the primary account, and also the devices that you will use. Any accounts in excess of this will face enforcement action.
Accounts that are flagged as high-risk will receive in-game mail warning and will be asked to cease activity. If these accounts continue to be active, we will impose a 7 day account suspension. Those accounts who have received warnings in their mail last season and have continued to operate multi-accounts will have these penalties enforced. Any further infractions may result in account bans.
We want the community to understand that this is an ongoing process of refinement and iteration. Our current enforcement action is targeted at the most egregious cases of exploits and bad faith behavior. If this problem persists we are committed to a zero tolerance approach to multi-accounting and exploits in GOG.