Special Event: A Full House


Prepare yourselves for the new and thrilling Guild of Guardians special event: “A Full House.”

Here’s everything you need to know to participate and excel in this event:

Event Details:

  • Start Time:
    • August 14th, 2024, 02:00 UTC
  • End Time:
    • August 20th, 2024, 19:59 UTC
  • Game Mode:
    • A Full House
  • Event Rules:
    • To play the Special Event you must have the following Guardians in your team*:
      • 2x Legendary Guardians
      • 5x Epic Guardians
      • 3x Rare Guardians
      • 1x Solas Guardian
      • 1x Umbrus Guardian
      • 1x Cinder Guardian
      • 1x Hydris Guardian
      • 1x Terra Guardian
    • All Guardians utilized in the Special Event:
      • Start at Level 1
        • Guardians gain levels by earning XP in the game mode
      • Have all non-special event unique gear removed
        • New, special event only, gear is found in the game mode and must be used instead
        • Special event gear can’t be used outside of the game mode
      • Guardians revert to the base Enlightenment for their Rarity
        • Rare to Enlightenment 1
        • Epic to Enlightenment 3
        • Legendary to Enlightenment 5
      • Have their Radiance level treated as if they are un-ascended
    • Leaderboards
      • Points are earned by completing rooms
      • The highest score earned is submitted to the leaderboards
    • Death and Failure
      • When all your Guardians die your progress is saved
      • You restart any subsequent runs at the last Camp room you reached
      • Points earned by playing previously completed rooms is significantly reduced
    • At any point you can reset the progression you’ve earned in the Special Event
      • Your tickets will be refunded
      • Your levels, gear, skills, and team selections, will be reset
      • This will give you a chance to pick a new team of Guardians to play with
    • 5 free attempts per day
  • Leaderboard Scoring:
    • Solo scoring and Guild scoring
    • Global Ranking
    • Solo: Highest Score counts
    • Guild: Combined Highest Score counts
  • Ranking Results Announcement:
    • August 27th, 2024, 20:00 UTC

* You can use your own Guardians or utilize the temporary Guardians provided for the event. Choose carefully as these will be the Guardians you play with until the end of the event unless you choose to reset your progress

Event Rewards

Prizes Guild Leaderboard Solo Leaderboard
Legendary Idols 60 144
Epic Idols 300 530
Rare Idols 300 950
Ascension Seals 350,000 0
Radiant Souls 489,000 0
Large XP Scrolls 61,850 0
Gold (Millions) 96 0
Rubies 1,288,200 0
Guilds Eligible 100 N/A
Players Eligible Must score at least 500 in special event 2,000
Scoring Combined Highest Scores Highest Score

Guild Leaderboard Rewards

Rank Idols Ascension Seals Radiant Souls Large XP Scrolls Gold (Thousand) Rubies
1 1x Legendary 375 1000 100 120 800
2 1x Epic 320 640 80 105 600
3 1x Epic 180 520 60 90 500
4 1x Epic 240 440 50 80 450
5 1x Epic 200 400 45 70 425
6 1x Rare 185 360 40 65 405
7 1x Rare 170 320 35 60 390
8 1x Rare 150 280 30 50 370
9 1x Rare 135 240 25 40 350
10 1x Rare 95 200 20 30 330
20 0 75 100 15 20 310
50 0 60 60 10 15 300
75 0 45 40 5 10 200
100 0 30 20 2 5 100

Rewards are for all active members in the Guild. Minimum eligibility requirement: Members must score at least 500 in special event. Multi-accounts restrictions apply.

Solo Leaderboard Rewards

Rank Idols
1 10x Legendary Idol
2 7x Legendary Idol
3 5x Legendary Idol
4 4x Legendary Idol
10 3x Legendary Idol
20 2x Legendary Idols
50 1x Legendary + 1x Epic
100 1x Legendary + 1x Rare
200 2x Epic
500 1x Epic 1x Rare
1000 1x Rare

Minimum eligibility requirement: players must score at least 500 in the special event.

Prepare your Guardians and get ready to battle for victory!

See you in Elderym!

Guild of Guardians Team