Introducing Dolvir, the Earth’s Fury

Rarity: Legendary

Series: Gen1

Class: Warrior

Faction: Imperials

Aptitude: Strength

Domain: Terra

In the ever-evolving world of Guild of Guardians, a new Legendary warrior emerges from the shadows of the Imperials—Dolvir, the Earth’s Fury. This fierce fighter from the Terra domain is a force to be reckoned with, bringing both brute strength and a deep connection to the natural world into every battle.

Dolvir's Origins: A Prodigy of Strength and Nature

Dolvir’s story begins in a distant tribe where the balance between nature and power was paramount. His people were not only formidable warriors but also caretakers of their homelands, blending ferocity with a deep respect for the earth. From a young age, Dolvir stood out among his peers, displaying extraordinary battle prowess that marked him as a prodigy.

However, despite his achievements, Dolvir grew disillusioned with his tribe. He saw the world changing and believed his people were too slow to react, too rooted in their old ways to face the new threats emerging beyond their borders. Such frustration led him to make a pivotal decision: to leave his tribe and the Keepers behind and join the Imperials. In doing so, he hoped to take a more active stance in defending against the dangers that threatened his world.

A Warrior with Ferocity and Strategy

Dolvir’s skills on the battlefield are as formidable as his physical strength. As a warrior, he combines raw power with strategic precision, making him a versatile and dangerous opponent. 

His skill set reflects his deep connection to both the natural world and his warrior heritage:

  • Savage Leap: Leap into a densely populated enemy area, deal 250% of ATK as Physical Damage to nearby enemies, and cause Knockback. Afterwards let loose a mighty roar that reduced nearby enemy DEF by 50% for 8 seconds.
  • Summon Wolfshark: Summon 2 Wolfsharks to assist in battle. They inheriting 60% of Dolvir attributes and revive 5 seconds after death.
  • Predation: Mark the enemy with the lowest DEF and command the Wolfsharks to attack. The Wolfsharks will immediately leap to the target, deal 520% of ATK as Physical Damage, and cause Stun for 2 seconds.
  • Pack Master: 60% of the damage dealt by Dolvir and his Wolfsharks is returned as HP.

A Warrior’s Quiet Strength

Though Dolvir is known for his ferocity in battle, those who get to know him discover a warrior with the most kind and truly loyal heart. Dolvir is a man of few words, preferring to listen rather than to speak. His reserved nature often leads others to underestimate him, but when he does speak, it’s with a quiet authority that commands respect and attention. Dolvir’s kindness manifests in practical ways—he’s the type of Guardian who would rather help you with a task or make your life easier than shower you with praise or gifts. His loyalty is unwavering, especially to those he cares about, and he’s always ready to lend a hand, even if he doesn’t express it verbally.

Dolvir’s Allies and Conflicts

Dolvir’s journey with the Imperials has brought him into contact with many other Guardians. Notably, he has a special connection with Aloria, forged through their shared experiences in battle. Over time, he’s also come to appreciate the company of Lisca, another warrior who shares his values. However, not all of Dolvir’s relationships are smooth. He has a particular dislike for Dorro, another Guardian whose ideologies clash with his own. Their differing backgrounds and worldviews make them natural rivals, and their interactions are often tense.

On a lighter note, Dolvir harbors a crush on Freia, a fellow Guardian whose presence often leaves him tongue-tied—a rare sight for those who know him as the Earth’s Fury.

A Warrior’s Solitude: Hobbies and Personal Life

When he’s not on the battlefield, Dolvir enjoys a quiet, solitary hobby: wood carving. He takes great pleasure in creating intricate carvings of woodland creatures, a pastime that connects him to the natural world he holds dear. His favorite color is green, reflecting his deep affinity with the earth and its vibrant life.

Dolvir’s perfect day is one where he can engage in a good battle, testing his strength and skills, followed by a hearty meal—a simple but satisfying conclusion to a day well spent.

Dolvir's Role in Guild of Guardians

Dolvir’s arrival in Guild of Guardians adds a new layer of depth and strength to the Imperials. His journey from a nature-bound tribe to a powerful Imperial warrior reflects his dedication to protecting his world, even if it means leaving behind all that he once knew. As Earth’s Fury, Dolvir stands as a testament to the power of strength tempered by loyalty and kindness—a true Guardian in every sense.